John and I have already received some nice feedback on our Monday performances at Pal-Mac. One teacher simply said, “I LOVED TODAY’S ASSEMBLY!!!! t.j. & john, you rocked the house… how ’bout all the kids singing!?!?!!!!!”
The principal made a point of thanking us and stating that it was one of the best levels of interaction he has seen from visiting artists.
Another teacher sent us this note: “IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! At one point as the harmonies were sounding out of one instrument… I was glad that it wasn’t “fly season” ‘cause my jaw dropped and my mouth was just hanging open! Amazing stuff!”
One of the students told his teacher, “They must be the last two Beatles, ’cause I think the other two died.” (We used the Beatles’ “Come Together” and “In My Life” to talk about the parts of a song – bass line, melody, harmony, and countermelody)
I’ll put up some of the hand-drawn thank yous from the students soon